Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gregor's homework

  1. 1972 age 5
  2. Each subject in High School was an hour long and we had to walk between classes and also buildings. Subjects were English,Math,Geography,French,German,Technical drawing,History,PE,Art,Modern Science,Biology,Chemistry.
  3. Only the art classes.
  4. Started 0850 and finished 1600,with 45 mins for lunch.
  5. Yes concrete;no play equipment or basketball nets etc.
  6. 1
  7. No,but a leather strap was used on others. Also detention and writing out of lines.
  8. No assembly.
  9. Yes.
  10. Spoke tables out loud and also spelling.
  11. Whole class.
  12. In my school they did. I did technical drawing instead of home economics.
  13. In rows,no separate areas.
  14. Learning new things.
By Gregor

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