Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Classroom Soft Toy

Hi Room 3,

I was think that next term we could have a class mascot (soft toy) that could go home with one of you each night and when you take it home you can report on the blog what the mascot got up to and you could even add photos.

I would like to know what sort of mascot (soft toy ) you would like to have to take home. So can you please click the comment button and post a comment saying what you would like. Remember to put your name on your post.

Miss Collins

Friday, March 25, 2011

internet safety jake

what can we do to be safe on the internet..
To keep ourselves safe never give people personal information.

Why do we have internet rules...
To have fun and use the internet and stating safe.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

my homework for 2011 march the 24 why do we have rules and what can we do to be safe on the internet by abby

why do we have rules for the Internet and what can we do to be safe on the Internet??

why do we have rules ?
1. to be safe
2. so we don't feel unsafe
3. so we can have more fun
4. so we don't be bullied
5. so we don't be sad

what can we do to be safe on the Internet ?
1. be your age to do things like twitter ,face book and other things like that
2.don't talk to people that you don't know
3. listen to rules
4. be sensible
5. don't tell true info to people you don't know

by abby
Internet Safety by Gosha

We have internet rules to prevent our information from being stolen and to keep ourselves safe.

We can be safe on the internet by doing the following things:

- Make sure that we are supervised by an adult while on the computer.
- Don't put any photos of ourselves on the computer.
- Don't talk to people that you don't know on the internet.
- Don't use the to internet to bully or lie.
- Don't share passwords with people.

Chantal's Internet safety

Why do we have internet rules :
1. To make our computers safe.
2. To protect us from mean people.

What can we do to keep safe on the internet :
1. Don't chat on the internet.
2. Never use photos of you alone.
3. Only use sites our parents know about.
4. Don't ask people over and they may not be what you expected.

Internet safety by Josh C

We have internet rules.....
-to make the computer a safe place
-so you know what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do

To stay safe.....
-don't go on on any strange websites
-don't give out your password
-don't give your last name and address to anyone on the internet
-don't send messages to people you don't know
-have your family computer in the main living area
-don't arrange to meet any computer friends in real life

is it fair that people should give fines ?

yes it is because people are naughty

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Safety Signs

Do you think it is fair to give people a fine if they do not follow the safety sign rules? Why or why not?

Post your answers on here and make sure you put your name after it.

Oscar`s Internet Safety

We have Internet Rules to protect us from strangers and bullies.
We can be safe on the Internet by:
1. Deleting people who writing mean things about us.
2. Only using sites our parents know about.
3. Never use photos of us alone.
4. Do not use or give your name or address or phone number.
5. Only talk to people you have met in real life.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Internet Safety Homework

Internet Safety

Why do we have Internet rules and what can we do to be safe on the internet?

Post your answers on here and make sure you put your name after it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Earthquake Hunt

Using these websites find out this information.
Make sure you record it neatly on your sheet....

1: What is an earthquake?

2: What makes the earth shake and rumble?

3: What should you do before an earthquake?

4: What should you do during an earthquake if you are inside?

5: What should you do during an earthquake if you are outside?

6: What should you do after an earthquake?

7: What should you include in your earthquake safety kit?

Once you have finished your activity. Have a go at the earthquake games.

Prepare for an earthquake

Play beat the earthquake


Safety Scavenger Hunt

Use these websites to answer the scavenger hunt questions

Year 5s Webquest

Complete this webquest and answer the questions with your buddy about St Patrick's Day.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Room 2 - Cyber safety games

Play these games to help you learn more about keeping safe online.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Year 5 - webquest

Go to this link to complete an internet safety webquest