Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wednesday 19th May

Today I would like you to visit


and post a post-it note on our wallwisher about 1-3 facts you have learnt about the Otago Peninsula.

Then go to our wikispace


And post a post-it note on our wallwisher on the home page.

When you are finished sign in and....
1) Finish your Otago Peninsula Trip writing on our own wikipage
2) Read some other people's pages and send them some comments.

You have 30 mins to do all of these. remember to use the laptop like a see saw.

We will be learning how to make a voki and add one to our wikipages today when you have completed everything above.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Otago Peninsula Animal Facts

We have been finding out information about animals that live on the Otago Peninsula. All the animasl we have been researching are endangered. That means they are in danger of dying out and becoming extinct.

Please write your name and 1 fact about each of these animals

1. Royal Albatross
2. Jewelled Gecko
3. Fur Seals
4. Yellow eyed penguins