Friday, October 28, 2011

Should Bagpipes be allowed at RWC games?

Should Bagpipes be allowed at RWC games?

Pressure is mounting on RWC organisers to allow Bagpipes being played at Scotland's matches.
71% of more than 16,000 votes wanted the musical instrument ban withdrawn. Many New Zealanders are very proud of their Scotish heritage including All Black captain Richie McCaw who also plays the Bagpipes. Many disappointed Scotish tourist brought their Bagpipes to the other side of the world only to be told they couldn't use them at the games. RWC spokesman Mike Jaspers said Bagpipes were not specifically banned from stadiums. He was not aware of any cases where a fan with Bagpipes had been refused entry to a Cup match.


grantsbraes said...

I like how you have put lots of information on your post.

From Oscar

grantsbraes said...

My wish for you is to not write in green as it is hard too see.


grantsbraes said...

How did you get it to be labelled Ben Jones so you don't have to write your name on it??
