Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Asia websites

Go to this website and find out more about 3 different Asia countires. - cool interactive map game

Write on our blog something interesting about 2 of them you have learnt
Write you and your buddies names

Go to this website and do the map puzzle - interactive puzzle map

Write on our blog how many you got right
Write your name


grantsbraes said...

Kazakhstan is apart of
2 places


grantsbraes said...

Afganastan resent histiory is a story of war and civil unrest

Liam & Ella

grantsbraes said...

Iraq have had recently had clashes with the Us navy between1987-1988.

grantsbraes said...
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grantsbraes said...

In China There is 9,596,960 squar kilometers


grantsbraes said...

Laos people speak French
Amelia and Lachlan

grantsbraes said...

China stood as a leading civilization outpaceing the rest of the world in the arts and science.

Liam & Ella

grantsbraes said...

the phillapines island became a spanish coleny during a war


grantsbraes said...

Mongolias Capital is Ulaanbaatar


grantsbraes said...

in japan the the capital is Toyko

grantsbraes said...

we got 26 countries in the game
taiwan has 2 langueges including taiwane and taipei as a capital
sri lanka has 2 langueges like sinhala a capital of columbo
brit.1.0 has 1 languege english and no capital!

emily & sam

grantsbraes said...

China's athem is
very very long


grantsbraes said...

1.The Pillipines islands became a Spanish colony in 16th centry ,they were cecded to the US in 1898 following the Spanish-American war.

grantsbraes said...

India is the 7th biggest country in the world.

Harrison Emma

grantsbraes said...
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grantsbraes said...

the captial of china is beijing

grantsbraes said...

where all the countrys are in asia.
Jared and mitchell

grantsbraes said...

the capital of china is Beijing