Friday, November 25, 2011

Jabari's Quetions

Why do boys and girls have different uniforms?

How do you like the way how the desks are different?

Did you like the activities at school?

What did you think of the angry teachers?
1.Why did boys and girls have different uniforms?

2.How many classrooms were there?

3.What subjects were there?

4.did boys and girls do the same sports?

By Jordan

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ben's Wonderings Homework

1. How many children got the strap in one day?

2. What were the reasons for getting the strap?

3. What did the children have in their lunch boxes?

4. Did the children like the teachers?

Chantals Wonderings

My wonderings
1: What type of technology did they have and how did they use it?
2: Why were the photos black and white?
3:Why did the girls have to stand in the front?
4:Why are exams different?
By Chantal

Ruth's Wonderings

How did children learn their ABC's?
How did children learn their math?
How did children learn their Handwriting?
What did you do for sport's?

Corys home work

1.How many children were in a class?

2. What subjects did the children learn?

3. How did the children get to and from school?

4. How many classrooms did the schools have?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Josh C's Wonderings

1.Did you have vege gardens at school?
2.Did you have student teachers at school?
3.Did you do P.E?
4.How did you get to school?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


1. Did you have a soft surface on the ground in the playground?

2. Did people from outside school come to give talks to help you learn?

3. Did you have reading books to learn to read?

4. Was it easy to learn maths by repeating it over and over again?


Dante's Wonderings

1 What play ground gear did they have?
2 What types off pen and pencil did they have?
3 Did they have castles to play on?
4 What was the strap and Cane made off?
By Dante

Monday, November 21, 2011

Oscars wonderings

1. Why did the Boys and Girls had to be split apart?
2. Why couldn't the schools in the past have more playground equipment, like how much we have?
3. How was teaching different before computers were invented?
4. Did Children get to ride horses to school?

Max's interview questions

Max's interview questions for schools in the past
What were the text books like?
What were the rooms like and how were they painted?
What learning tools did they have?
What tools did they have in woodwork?


  1. how deep were the holes for ink on your desks?
  2. how many teachers in one room in the future?
  3. was writing with ink hard?

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Ans age 5  1968
2  What was your time table like at school and what subjects did you have.
Ans   Prayers1st then Maths ,Social studies ,English ,Writing, PE @ Crafts.
3 Did your classroom have art work on the walls?
Ans   No
4   What time did you start and finish school and how long did you have for lunch
Ans   9am to 3pm and 1 hour for lunch.
5   Did you have a playgroundand what was it like .
Ans   It was all concrete and only 1 monkey bar no grass.
6  How many teachers did you have in the classroom and why.
Ans  1 Teacher and 15 to 20 children.
7.  Did you ever get punished at school? How were you punished  Why and did it teach you a lesson.
Ans  We got the leather strapby the head Nunat the age of 5.It really hurt but i dont think it taught me a lesson. I drew on the wooden desk top only been at school for 2 days.
8  Where was your school assembly held and did you have to stand.
Ans  In the hall . We stood at primary and sat at high school.
9  Did you have student teachers .
Ans  Yas only for short visits only 1 day a week.
10  How did you learn Maths , reading, @ spelling.
Ans  As a class out loud.
11  As Obove
12  Why weren't girls allowed to do woodwork and boys allowed to do cooking and sewing.
Ans  We always had co-ed. At primary we went on a bus as a class to a school that had both cooking and woodwork.
13  How did you sit in class?Did you have diferent learning areas.
Ans  Desks in rows. No set area for diferent lessons.
14  What was your favourite thing about school.
Ans  Seeing my friends , going on the bus. Crafts .
 Maths was my favourite subjects

 BY BEN !!

Gregor's homework

  1. 1972 age 5
  2. Each subject in High School was an hour long and we had to walk between classes and also buildings. Subjects were English,Math,Geography,French,German,Technical drawing,History,PE,Art,Modern Science,Biology,Chemistry.
  3. Only the art classes.
  4. Started 0850 and finished 1600,with 45 mins for lunch.
  5. Yes concrete;no play equipment or basketball nets etc.
  6. 1
  7. No,but a leather strap was used on others. Also detention and writing out of lines.
  8. No assembly.
  9. Yes.
  10. Spoke tables out loud and also spelling.
  11. Whole class.
  12. In my school they did. I did technical drawing instead of home economics.
  13. In rows,no separate areas.
  14. Learning new things.
By Gregor

Josh C's Homework

1.  1980
2.  reading, math, writing and printing
3. Yes pictures pinned on the wall
4.At 5 went 9:00am till 2:30pm at 6 and over went 9:00am till 3:00pm lunch break 45 minutes
5.huge lawn, adventure playground at the back and a swimming pool
6.1 because class sizes were 25
7. she didn't
8.the church hall across the got to sit
10.  Maths, abacus, blocks and buzz.  Reading books overnight
11.  Whole class
12. At intermediate boys and girls allowed to do everything
13.  Set desks,  Intermediate moved classes
14.  Playing on bars, cartwheeling across the grass. 
Jakes Home work

  1. 5 years old 1956
  2. reading,maths,spelling,writing,sports,music
  3. do not know
  4. start:9am,lunch:1 hour,finsh:3pm
  5. yes bars,jungle gym,hop scotch 
  6. 1 because
  7. yes sent out of room hiting a boy no
  8. outside standing or siting
  9. no
  10. charting
  11. whole class
  12. to teach them a trade
  13. at desk or cross leged
  14. the bell ringing at 3pm

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Finn's homework

1 1975

2 started at 9 endid at 3 play at morning 1 hour for lunch 5 minet play. maths,reading,writeing,art and music

3 yes pices that children did

4 same as qwestin 2

5 yes same as Grants Breas

6 one teacher because that one teacher did evrey thing

7 yes pick up rubbis put friend lindsay in the rubbis bin  not really

8 in room1 some times stand up some times sit down

9 yes

10 maths-write them down until we remeberd them all
     reading-sounded them out
     spelling-write down each word lots of times

11 both

12 a long time ago people thought that boys and girls were not equal so they were not givein the same opportunities

13 in grops. no.

14 writeing stores.
1. 5 years old
in the 1970s
2. spelling, reading, maths, story writing, p.e, cooking, floral art etc - [we all grouped and went to each others houses for these activities.
3. yes   all around the walls
4. start - 9.00 - 3.00   lunch hour - 1 hour
5. yes   equipment - tennis courts, castle, playing field, 2 playgrounds
6. 1 - all we need
7. no - witnessed someone getting the strap
8. outside on most days - stand in a c shape
9. yes
10. chant times tables - books  
11. both
12. we did both
13. sit on mat with legs and arms crossed - yes
14. to see my friends

by moni 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gosha Johnson - Interview with mum about school

1.  Started school in 1974.

2.  Mornings - Reading, Spelling and Maths.  Afternoons - Art, Music, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, (like Inquiry). 

3.  Classrooms did have art and work on the walls, decorated in groups.

4.  School started at 9:00 am, lunch 12:00 - 1:00 pm, and finished at 3:00 pm.

5.  Yes, school did have playground - hard ground, climbing bars, and sports field.

6.  Three teachers in Junior classrooms, and one teacher in other classrooms.

7.  Children punished - strap, stayed in and did extra work.

8.  School assembly in school hall.  Can't  remember if stand.

9.  Yes, did have student teachers.

10.  Reading - reading books, Spelling - lists of words, and Maths - rods and abacus.

11.juniors in groups choice

13.juniors sat in groups

14.  Favourite things about going to school were reading, writing, and  playing with friends.

Oscars inquiry

My Mum
awnser to question 1:
When she was five.
awnser to question 2:
Afternoon-reading, morning-maths
awnser to question 3:
no work on the wall.
awnser to quetion 4:
awnser to question 5:
yes, her school did have a playground,
a jungle jim, hop scotch.
awnser to question 6:
1 teacher.
awnser to question 7:
yes, got punished, she didn`t went
in her class when the bell rang, she
got straped on the hand!
awnser to question 8:
outside, they had to sit on the concrete.
awnser to question 9:
No student teachers.
awnser to question 10:
Her class learned by repeating the song.
awnser to question 11:
the whole class as a group.
awnser to question 12:
not sure,
awnser to question 13:
sat on desks, no different learning spaces.
awnser to question 14:
seeing her friends.

My Nana

1. 1960 age5
2.first sit on mat then reading,math spelling.
3.yes kids mayed the art work, and there was a map 4.start at 9:00 End at 2:00 lunch 1 hour
5. nut ball, bars , miniball
6. 1 techer, i never got punished.
8. out side
10. in books
12. yes
13.sat at disks 14. school holidays

Monday, November 7, 2011

Grandfather's answers

2.reading, writing and geography
4.hour lunch, 9:00am, 3:00 pm
5.yes. full of asphalt
6.1.that's the way they did it
8.we didn't have them
10.rote system
11.whole class
12.didn't have it
By Ruth

Max's interview questions

I interviewed my Nana
1. When did you start school?
at six years old
2.What was your timetable like at school and what subjects did you have?
reading maths and writing
3. Did your classrooms have art work on the walls? If yes how was it decorated?
4. What time did school start and end and how long was lunch?
started at 9am lunch for an hour then ended at 3pm
5. Did you have a playground and if so what was it like?
concrete playground
6. How many teachers did you have?
1 teacher
7. Did you ever get punished at school?
Yes with the strap on the hand
8. Where was your school assembly held?
Assembly was held in the playground. We had to stand and we sung the National Anthem
9. Did you have student teachers?
10. How did you lear math, reading and spelling?
Repetition, read journals and had printing books
11. Were you taught in groups?
No taught as a whole class
12. Why weren't girls allowed to do woodwork and boys allowed to do cooking?
That's just the way it was
13. How did you sit in class?
Always sat at our desks. The desks were long with bench seats and had ink wells.
14. What was your favourite thing about going to school?
Learning maths and playing with friends

max's interview questions

Thursday, November 3, 2011

my homework

peach slices 820g a can
tomato can 400g
condense milk 100g
spatial 420g
baby beetroot 450g
baked beans 420g

Interview Questions for what was it like at school.

Hi Room 3,

I would like you to interview your parents or grandparents on what it was like for them at school.
Here are the interview questions we came up with as a class. Once you have interviewed your chosen person click comment and write the answers to the questions.

1: When did you start school?

2:What was your timetable like at school and what subjects did you have?

3:Did your classroom have art and work on the walls? If yes how was it decorated?

4:What time did school start, finish and how long did you get for lunch?

5: Did you have a playground and if so what was it like?

6: How many teachers did you have in the classroom and why?

7: Did you ever get punished at school? If so how were you punished, why were you punished and did it teach you a lesson?

8: Where was your school assembly held and did you have to stand during it?

9: Did you have student teachers when you were at school?

10: How did you learn maths, reading and spelling?

11: Were you taught in groups for reading and maths or were you taught as a whole class?

12: Why weren't girls allowed to do woodwork and boys allowed to do cooking and sewing?

13: How did you sit in class? Did you have different learning areas to work in?

14: What was your favourite thing about going to school?

Thank you for answering Room 3's questions about what school was like in the past.

Friday, October 28, 2011

All Black captain Richie McCaw will play through the pain barrier.

Richie McCaw missed 2 months of the super 15 season

Mid-series, he had more troubles and the problem has flared up again recently with the loose forward on a restricted practice workload.

McCaw is even more determined to survive and lead his team after the shock exit of first five-eighths Daniel Carter with a torn tendon in his groin.

Just hours before playing the game he hurt his foot

By Chantal

All Black Signitures

Hundreds of ALL BLACK fans queue for more than an hour for six ALL BLACK signitures and Kevin Mealamu Andy Ellis and John Afoa were at rebel sport.

All Blacks win Rugby World Cup

In the Rugby world Cup Dan Carter had a grin acadint and got taken out of the RWC.
The All Blacks won there last game and the score was 7 8 aganst Frane.
There was 4 millon people in the crowd.
The game was held in Eden park.
In the last game steven donoled had to go on because of a injry.

Should Bagpipes be allowed at RWC games?

Should Bagpipes be allowed at RWC games?

Pressure is mounting on RWC organisers to allow Bagpipes being played at Scotland's matches.
71% of more than 16,000 votes wanted the musical instrument ban withdrawn. Many New Zealanders are very proud of their Scotish heritage including All Black captain Richie McCaw who also plays the Bagpipes. Many disappointed Scotish tourist brought their Bagpipes to the other side of the world only to be told they couldn't use them at the games. RWC spokesman Mike Jaspers said Bagpipes were not specifically banned from stadiums. He was not aware of any cases where a fan with Bagpipes had been refused entry to a Cup match.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

All Blacks win the Rugby world cup

When captain Richie Mcaw raised the webb Ellis cup,the capisitiy crowed of 61,000 and a
Nation of 4 million supporters -bellowed their addoration. France had given them a greater scare than anyone imagining.The All Blacks were waiting for the Web Ellis cup for 24 years. Weepu missed the converision and all three of his Atemp in the opening half witch left the All Blacks without of a buffer at the break. They also watched the All Blacks lose Aaroon curden to in jury when he was sand wiched in a double tackel an hyper- extended his rhight knee. Refree Craig Robert stilled their nirves and those of the whole Contry When he signalled the end of a chilliny cotest.

Oscars Homework

The All Blacks have bet France in the RWC final on Sunday 27th of September, NZ got 8 points and the French had 7.

French Fine $5000 over Haka antics

French are fined $5000 after crossing the half way line during the haka.
They did it at the final game of the Rugby World Cup 2011, on Sunday the 23rd of October.
They did it in the quarter final versing New Zealand in 2007 as well.
Thierry Dusautoir the French captain wanted his team to only work to the halfway line but some crossed over.
By Josh C
Crowds cheer victorious All Blacks

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Auckland on Monday to see the All Blacks celebrate their Rugby World Cup victory.

People stood on footpaths along Queen St and huge crowds filled Wellesley St and Britomart Transport Centre to catch a glimpse of the All Blacks and the Webb Ellis Cup.

The entire All Blacks squad and training staff were in the back of utes to wave to the fans.

Captain Richie McCaw, Mils Muliaina and Brad Thorn, head coach Graham Henry and the Webb Ellis Cup were carried on a truck at the back of the procession.

The crowd gave the biggest cheers of the afternoon when McCaw held the Webb Ellis Cup aloft along the length of Queen Street.

Another All Blacks victory parade was held in Christchurch on Tuesday and Wellington on Wednesday. Poor Dunedin missed out on seeing the AB's and the trophy. gregor

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Harry's homework

The All Blacks have finally got the Webb Ellis Cup again since they last won it 24 years ago.

Abbys 26.10.11 homework

Richie McCaw plays through pain barrier
All Black captain Richie McCaw will play through the pain barrier, but faces foot surgery after the Rugby World Cup campaign. McCaw's season has been hampered since he was diagnosed with a stress fracture in his right foot in February. He had surgery and missed the first two months of the Super 15 season.

Mid-series, McCaw had more troubles and the problem has flared up again recently with the loose forward on a restricted practice workload.

Those who move in circles close to the team say McCaw will play the rest of the tournament, regardless of his discomfort. He will get by on treatment, painkillers and willpower, but may need another operation once the All Blacks end their campaign.

McCaw is even more determined to survive and lead his team after the shock exit of first five-eighths Daniel Carter with a wriped tendon in his groin.

Just hours before that training ground accident in Wellington, McCaw had withdrawn from the All Blacks' last pool game against Canada because of ongoing soreness in his foot. thats sad . another person had to replace Dan .

by Abby

All Blacks win Rugby world cup!

1. The All Blacks proved their collective expertise.

2. The coaching staff had delivered there gratitude to their sporting fans.

3. When captain Richie McCaw raised the cup the crowd of 61,000 and a nation of 4 million supporters.

4. France had given them a greater scare then anyone imagined.

5. The All Blacks are world cup champions.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

max,s homework

The All Blacks had a nervous game against France on Sunday. But an amazing try was scored when Piri Weepu kicked the ball 50m down the field To a line out. Then the All Blacks did a beautiful move which allowed Tony Woodcock to score. Then Stephen Donald kicked the winning penalty. At the end the score was 8-7

Finn's homework

After a 24 years the All Blacks won the Webb Ellis Cup.Thousands of supporting fans were there.

Jakes home work 25.10.11

at last:24 years of waiting we've got it again

Cory homework

The 2011 All Blacks are the World Champions.All Blacks won RWC for the 2nd time,before a crowd of 61,000.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

max's home work

How to plan a big event
1. security
2. souvenirs
3. tickets
4. advertising
5. prizes
6. entertainment
7. food
8. Bars

Friday, July 1, 2011

Teachers suspects in School Break In

Children at Grants Braes school have been busy investigating following a break in to the school dental clinic that happened on Thursday 28th of April, between the hours of 11am and 1.00pm. The crime scene was taped off and the children carefully collected evidence to help police in their search for the criminals. The evidence that was found included finger and foot prints, hair and fibre and a to do list. The scene was left in a mess with biscuits half eaten, easter eggs, and a drink bottle were all left behind. With the police the children looked at the evidence and matched it with their main suspects which included several of the teachers who were know to be at school at the time of the crime. With tough investigations and intense questioning the suspect list has been narrowed down to four popular teachers and a likely arrest is soon to happen. The police have adviced that their job has been made much easier to make an arrest due to the excellent collection of evidence and investigations carried out by the children of Grants Braes who are keen to see their school as a safe and fun place to be.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011



A robbery happened on the 28th April 2011 at Grants Braes School.

The theives left behind lots of evidence. There were shoeprints found on the floor of the dental clinic, a drink bottle, fibre, hair, a To do list and some finger prints.

The theives like to eat chocolate and marshmellows and they are friends with Amy and Sam.

There are currently three suspects, Miss Collins, Mr Kemp and Mrs Wispinkski. The investigators have found that the writing on the To do list matched Miss Collins handwriting and also the hair matched hers and Mrs Wispinkski's. The investigators also have found that the shoeprint in the sugar matches Mr Kemp's shoe.

Investigations continue.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gregor's Homework - news report

Cheap wine & chocolates pinched from Grants Braes dental clinic

The dental clinic at Grants Braes school was broken into during the school holidays.

The thief or thieves’ stole a box of cheap wine and chocolates which had been collected for the PTA fundraiser.

The investigators found sugar, chocolate chip biccies and chocolate eggs on the floor. They also found a footprint in the sugar and on paper, which was in brown paint.

There was a drink bottle on the desk, which had been opened and spilt.

A number of suspects (the teachers who were their at the time and Niki Van Planteringen) have been interviewed.

Some of the answers given during the interviews were dodgy.

By Gregor Clarkson, crime reporter.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ben's homework



If you are keen to find good evidence then we WANT YOU!

1. Can you collect and analyse finger prints

2. Do you know how to recognise and collect footprints

3. What experience do you have?

4. Must be able to come to work at any time

5. Can you work in a team?

If you said YES then please apply to the Police Station


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Josh M's job description for a forensic scientist.

Forensic Scientist

What you require:

  • need to know how to analyse fingerprints and footprints

  • need to know the different types of evidence

  • at least two years training or a degree in chemisty, biology or forensic science

  • good communication skills

  • need to work well in a team

  • a good eye for detail

Job description for a forensic scientist

You need to work 5 days a week.
You need to be good at getting fingerprints.
You need to be good at getting clues.
You need a magnifying glass.
You need to know how to use a microscope.
You need to be able to travel and work odd hours.

By Jordan

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Job descrition for forensic sientist

Bloodstain analysis

Bloodstains at a crime reconstruct an attack.
Investigators have to find all the blood stains.
Investigators use high intensity light beam.
Bloodstains are an important piece of evidence in a forensic examination.
The pattern of a bloodstain and quantity of blood present can be important clues to the nature of the accident or crime.
A skilled investigator is often able to trace blood patterns back to thier origin.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Job description for a Forensic Scientist

Are you good at

1. problem solving
2. looking at little details
3. collecting things
4. matching things

What you need to know.

You need to be able to compare fibre samples.

You need to know how to fingerprint.

You need to be able to search out clues at crime scences eg. hair fibre

You need to be sift and sort out evidence

You need to record evidence carefully.

by Cory

Monday, June 13, 2011

my homework is about : ? to ask the suspects to narrow it down to the people who did it.

1. what kind of finger prints is yours ?
2. whats your favorite cookie
3. did you go into the dental clinic between 12.00am to 1.00pm ?
4. do you know someone called Sam ?
5. do you like books ?
6. do you have any new shelf's ? you have goldfish ?
8. do you have a luxe

Friday, May 27, 2011

>There are 13 cells for the boys and 3 for the girls.
>The dogs are not kept in Dunedin there kept in south Dunedin.
>They still keep the olden day hats.
>The camera people only take plane photos no fancy photos.
>The black helmets are for protection in fights.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

On our trip to the police station I learnt that.............

there are 13 cells for men and 3 for women.
the police dogs are kept at South Dunedin station.
they have photographers to take pictures of suspects and evidence.
in the cells there is a bed,a toilet and a sink.
some cells have glass windows so that the police can keep a watch on the prisoner.
some police cars have blue and yellow paint and some have blue and orange. Soon they will all be blue and yellow.
the new lights on top of the cars are thinner and brighter than the old ones.
sometimes forensic scientists put glue on things to be able to lift finger prints.
the police have taser guns.

Gregor ;-)

police trip

1. I learnt that there are 15 male cells and 3 female cells for prisoners.
2. The cells only have a bed, mattress, toilet and a hand basin.
3. The police keep their police dogs at South Dunedin station.
4. Its harder to get into the police station but easier to get out.
5. There used to be front line police cars and traffic police cars.
6. The new cars are used by all and have flat lcd flashing lights that are brighter.
7. Two people have escaped from the police station before.
8. The prisoners have thin white blankets.
9. People that are brought in by the police have their name written in black and people that are from another station or jail are written in red.

1 The police are building new police cars.
2 The prisoners only get a heater , bed and a toilet in there cell.
3 Theres 15 boy cells.
4 The new police cars have brighter lights.
5 Theres 3 girl cells.
what i leart at the police staion

* That men are manly make crimes not woman .

* Dogs are not in the police station near the super market.

* There is a special way for the police to get out for a crime and get the crime person in .

* There are different police cars.

* There are mufti cars.

* There are police cars that have flat bright lights .

* They can take blood test on people how are drunk to see how much alcohol in there body .

*There are 13 men's cells and 3 ladies cells.

by Abby

What I learnt at the police station by Josh C

1. That only 1 prisoner has escaped.
2. That there are forensic photographers.
3. That family of the prisoner can go to talk to them.
4.That orange and blue police cars are front liners and yellow and blue are traffic patrol

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oscars trip to the Police Station

- I learnt that there are 15 male prisons and 3 female prisons
because males often do more crimes than females.

what i learnt at the police station.

1 I learnt that not every persons dna is at the police station.
2 I learnt that there are three women.

What I learnt at the Police Station

1: You have to take off all of your Jewelry before they scan you.

2: There is toxic gas.

3: They sometimes use glue to take off Finger prints.

4: There are different types of cameras to take different types of evidence.

5: There are only three cells for the woman.

6: the cells only have a toilet , a sink and a bed.

7: There are privet cells for the very naughty people.

8: There are lots of jobs to do at a Police Station.

9: There are rooms were police get three people that look similar ,then they put them in the same room together, so the people on the other side cant guess the person who did the crime.

10: 13 years and over people have done crimes.


what we learnt at the police station

I learnt ...

1.Lots of people work inside the police station in different areas.

2.When a suspect is arrested they get locked in cells.

3.There are different types of police cars

4.prisoners have to stay behind bars locked up even when visiters come to speak to them.

5.Information and evidence is collected very carefully so that the police can prove their case in court.

by harry

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Josh M's Police Station

1. They can only hold two people at once.

2. Bad people go to court Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

3. They use to have two types of police (one for traffic and one for catching baddies).

4. They take photos before touching the crime scene.

5. They have to take all jewellery off before scanning their hand, or it scratches the machine.

6. They have three cells for women and ten cells for men.

7. All police try not to use guns and weapons.

8. There is only a bed, toilet, hand basin and heater in the cell.

What I learnt at police station

1 How police take prisoners photo's.

2 Police watch prisoners through one way glass.

3 Separate cells for males,females and youths.

4 Police in NZ don't carry guns.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Finn's questions.

1. There is toxic gas!

2. People can talk to the bad guys and not touch them.

3. There are bad guys in the cells.


Jakes trip

What I learnt from the trip:
  • one person has escaped from prison!!!
  • 15 rooms for men
  • 3 room for girls
  • yellow cars are for the road

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Josh M's interview questions

1. What does DNA stand for?

2. How do you match finger prints?

3. What does forensic mean?

4. How do you train to become a Forensic Scientist?

5. What equipment do you use to find a criminal?

Ben's interview questions

1. What things can you tell from a foot print?

2. What things can you get DNA from?

3. How does the black and white make finger prints appear?

4. If a weapon is used how do you work out what sort of weapon it was?

eg gun ,knife, stick and drugs

5.How many Forensic Scientists work on a crime scene?

By Ben
1. Whats the best evidence and why ?

2. How do you track the person down ?

3.What does DNA stand for ?

4.Whats the biggest crime in Dunedin?

5.Is everyones DNA in the police staion ?

by Abby
1 How much do you get payed.
2 what does your job involbe.
3 What evidence do you collect.
4 how long does training take.
5 what do you study.


Chantal's questions

1:How do you collect DNA ?
2:How do you match DNA ?
3: What is the most important DNA and why ?
4:How do you test DNA ?
5: How are teeth marks useful ?


Josh C's Questions

1. What is the most popular evidence, and why?
2. How do you know who's fingerprint is who's?
3. How many different types of fingerprint patterns are there?
4. What is the most common thing to get teeth marks out of?
5. What is the first thing you do when you get to a crime scene?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

jack interview questions

1 What do forensic scientists do?

2 How long does it take to become a forensic scientists?

3 What is the most interesting part about a case?

4 What is the most exciting case you have worked one?

5 Do you always take photo's and why?


Harry's questions

1. Where do you get trained to be a forensic scientist?

2. Why do you collect saliva at a crime scene?

3. What is your favourite tool for collecting evidence?

4. What skills do you need to do your work?

5. What is the most interesting crime you have ever worked on?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Oscars interview questions

1. How do you scan foot and finger prints?
2. How many sources of DNA are there in our bodies?
3. Are bite marks useful?
4. what was the hardest case you ever worked on?
5. Are labs always dark and spooky like on CSI?


1.How can you match the finger prints?

2.Why do you collect saliva?

3.Why do you take photo's of the evidence before you move it?

4.How can you tell how many people have been involved in a crime?

5. What was your most interesting evidence you have seen?

6.What was your most interesting crime?


Finn's homework 2011

1. What do you like about DNA?

2. How many people do you work with?

3. Why is it called forensic science?

4. How much DNA do you need to collect?

5. What's your favorite topic and why?


Gregor's homework

1:What is the hardest part of being a forensic scientist?

2:What is the hardest piece of evidence you have tried to solve and why was it hard for you?

3:Why did you want to become a forensic scientist?

4:What kind of equipment do you have in the laboratory?

5:How do you get D.N.A from hair?

6:How do you use your technology?

How do you pick evidence up with out puting your own evidence on it?

How many people does it take to find evidence & why?

Why do you think people like to steal soft toys & why?

Do you know any suspects & why?

Why do people have unique DNA?

How do people get different DNA?

Why do people get their mother & father's DNA & why?

Do animals have different DNA & why?

Why did you choose to be a forensic sientist?

Is a speeding ticket a crime?

What is your worst crime you've come across?

What is the best weopen to commit a murder & why?


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Banned for having a Mohawk

A man who was playing Aussie rules football was sent of by the umpire for having a Mohawk haircut. The umpire thought the hairstyle was dangerous to other players as it might poke someone in the eye. The umpire's got together after the game and decided that the Umpires decision to send the player off was wrong.


Smokey the cat has got its purr its way in the Guinness World Records.

Smokey the cat has got the loudest purr and it is very loud and weird for a cat. The cat is brown and black tabby and it is 11 years old and cute. Its purr is 67.7 decibels and a whale sounds 1888 decibels.

By Abby

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


An Australian boy has been sent off the feild for having a mohawk because it is to dangerous and it might poke someones eye out.


Breakers Win Final by Josh C

On Friday night the NZ Breakers beat the Cairns Taipans and won 71-55. It was really good because they are the first NZ team to win an Australian division one title. To celebrate there will be a parade in Takapuna and Aotea Square.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First US face transplant

A man from Texes touched a live wire with his head and burnt off his face. The man was blind. 30 doctors got together to give the man a face transplant. It took 17 hours and now he has a new face.

Josh M

Kiwis lose Anzac test

The New Zealand Rugby league team (The Kiwis), played the Australian Rugby League team (The Kangaroos) in the Anzac Test at Skilled Park in Australia.

New Zealand might hold the World Cup and Four Nations silverware, but the Bill Kelly Memorial Trophy remains out of reach for another year as the Kangaroos extended their dominance of the mid-season Anzac international to 10 matches.

Unfortunately the Kiwis lost 20 points to 10.

The try scorers for the Kangaroos were Billy Slater 2, Jharal Yow Yeh, Jamal Idris
The try scorers for the Kiwis were Matt Duffie, Lance Hohaia


New KFC Burger on sale

KFC has a new burger. It has no buns just chicken, cheese and bacon.

This burger has 604 calories and takes about 80 minutes to burn off this many calories.

The new burger is called double down with 2 of everything.

The double down will only be available for 5 weeks and will cost $7.90 for the burger and $10.90 for a combo.

This burger is not healthy at all. But I bet room 3 will like it.
